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Cutty Sark Whisky had a partnership with Warren Miller but was uncertain about how to effectively utilize this collaboration. The goal was to leverage the partnership to enhance brand positioning and connect with their target audience.
To address this challenge, we helped Cutty Sark host a Warren Miller film screening at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 3. The event was designed to align with Cutty Sark's brand positioning as "The Spirit of Adventure." By branding the event and sampling the product, we ensured a strong connection between the brand and the adventurous spirit conveyed by the Warren Miller films. We created engaging social content to promote the event and capture the excitement. The content was shared across social media channels, particularly Instagram, to maximize reach and engagement.
The event was a significant success. We sampled over 1,000 cocktails to an enthusiastic audience. The social media content generated from the event became some of Cutty Sark's highest-performing posts in terms of likes, shares, and comments. This heightened engagement helped reinforce the brand's adventurous image and increased its visibility among the target audience. By effectively utilizing the partnership with Warren Miller and creating a memorable event, Cutty Sark Whisky successfully connected with its audience and strengthened its market position.
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